Posts tagged Echo Cliffs
My 5 Favorite Winter Climbing Areas in California

My 5 Favorite Winter Climbing Areas in California | Just as the summer months here in California are a great time for high altitude alpine climbing and hiking in the Sierra Nevada, the cold temperatures of the winter months make for some great lower elevation desert rock climbing! Whether you love to sport climb, trad climb, or boulder, I've listed 5 of my favorite areas to climb in California in the winter months, and there is a little bit of everything for every style of climber. Happy Sending! |

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Sport Climbing at Echo Cliffs, California

I recently had a conversation with my dad (post-epic bike crash and stitches in my forehead... more to come on that one later) in which he asked me when people like me (climbers, thrill seekers.. etc.) stop doing what they do... what age are typical climbers? I answered, "well shoot dad, I know climbers from age 8 to age 60"... "ya, ya, but when do most climbers stop climbing?".... I think I answered, "well unless they've fallen out of love with climbing, then never... unless their wives make them."

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